Garden Center
Welcome to the garden!
variety of crotons

Please take a relaxing walk around to find inspiration for your landscape needs. From colorful sun loving crotons to shade happy tropical Ti plants and bromeliads. We are your local  garden source with a large selection of shrubs, hibiscus, ixora, palms, pollinator friendly flowers and much more. Be sure to say hi to our friendly shop kitties if you see them!


We stock some of the most popular varieties of trees and palms but we're always on the hunt for those unique species. Royal Poinciana, Tibouchina, Cassia, Geiger and Jacaranda to name a few.


While visiting our garden if you do not  see what you are looking for please talk to an associate for putting in a special request. We happily take requests for plants or trees that we might not keep in stock. Always check back as we get new plant orders weekly. We look forward to seeing you in the garden!


Not only are we a proud retailer of Espoma products but it's the same products we use in our commercial farm! Their blends of organic nutrients and micronutrients are truly a game changer. We used to blend our own from scratch using a variety of materials such as bone meal, blood meal, seaweed, etc until we decided to try Espoma's products as it was pretty similar to the blend we were making for years. The truth is in the plants that's for sure. Our flowers, herbs and veg are always producing like crazy, living far longer than their season intended and are extremely disease resistant.

Lets build something beautiful together.
Today is the day your landscape goals are met, and exceeded!
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